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    发表时间:2021-07-20     阅读次数:     字体:【

    18.1.9.C If used, is the use and application of thread locking agents as per the manufacturer’s specifications and / or customer requirements? YES/NO/N/A

    18.2 Wire Cutting & Stripping N/A

    18.2.1.P Is there a procedure for the control of wire stripping and wire cutting, which

    includes limits for wire damage to at least the minimum requirements of J-STD-001? YES/NO

    18.2.2.P If performed, is there a procedure for removal of insulation from wire using thermal methods? YES/NO/N/A

    Wire Cutting & Stripping COMPLIANCE

    18.2.1.C If jumper wires are thermally stripped, are charred wires prevented from being used?


    18.2.2.C If damage to wires exceeds the limits specified in procedure, are they prevented from being used? YES/NO/N/A

    18.3 Jumper Wire Installation N/A

    18.3.1.P Is there a procedure which details the jumper wire installation including:

    a.P - Termination method? YES/NO

    b.P - Bonding requirements? YES/NO

    c.P - Tools to be used? YES/NO

    d.P - Cleaning? YES/NO

    Jumper Wire Installation COMPLIANCE

    18.3.1.C Is the wire selection, routing, bonding and termination performed as per the drawing and procedural requirements? YES/NO

    18.3.2.C After jumper wire installation is the product inspected for compliance to requirements, including solder joint / bonding integrity and absence of damage to the wire / assembly? YES/NO

    18.4 Stranded Wire Tinning N/A

    18.4.1.P Is there a procedure for control of stranded wire tinning, which specifies:

    a.P - Solder alloy and flux type to be used (meeting J-STD-001 / customer requirements)? YES/NO

    b.P - Appropriate cleaning methods? YES/NO

    c.P - Inspection criteria? YES/NO

    d.P - Limits for solder wicking? YES/NO

    Stranded Wire Tinning COMPLIANCE

    18.4.1.C Are the correct alloys and fluxes being used for tinning stranded wires, in accordance with the procedure? YES/NO

    18.4.2.C Is the wire tinned according to procedure prior to mounting? YES/NO

    18.4.3.C If solder wicking has occurred into a portion of the wire that is to remain flexible are they prevented from being used? YES/NO/N/A

    18.4.4.C If bird caging of stranded wires beyond the limits of J-STD-001 has occurred are they prevented from being used? YES/NO/N/A

    18.4.5.C Are the soldering tools being controlled as per the procedure? YES/NO

    18.5 Compliant Pin (Press Fit) Connector Installation N/A

    18.5.1.P Is there a procedure for compliant pin insertion process that includes the tool to use per connector type, alignment? YES/NO

    18.5.2.P If there is rework performed, is there a procedure for the rework of compliant pins? YES/NO/N/A

    Compliant Pin (Press Fit) Connector Installation COMPLIANCE
