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    发表时间:2021-07-09     阅读次数:     字体:【


    10.1 General

    10.1.1.P Is there a procedure for cross sections on microvias? YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Voids in filled resin or copper inside microvias, plated copper thickness, shape of microvias, smear residues, ... & vias must be checked for each sequential lamination if applicable.

    10.1.2.P Is there a procedure for copper thicknesses of microvias and buried vias that meets the requirements of IPC-6012 or as specified by Customer? YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Refer to the column which represents The applicable category.

    10.1.3.P Is there a procedure which defines/requires the points for thickness measurement (including the copper plating at the bottom of the via)? YES/NO

    General COMPLIANCE

    10.1.1.C Is there objective evidence that the procedure for cross sections on microvias is being followed?YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Voids in filled resin or copper inside microvias, plated copper thickness, shape of microvias, smear residues & vias must be checked for each sequential lamination if applicable.

    10.1.2.C Is there objective evidence that the thicknesses meet the requirements of IPC-6012 or as specified by Customer? YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Refer to the column which represents the applicable category.

    10.1.3.C Is there objective evidence that the procedure which defines the points for thickness measurement (including the copper plating at the bottom of the via) is being followed? YES/NO

    10.2 Lifted Lands

    10.2.1.P Is there a procedure for post thermal-stress inspection for lifted lands? YES/NO

    Lifted Lands COMPLIANCE

    10.2.1.C Is there objective evidence of post thermal-stress inspection for lifted lands? YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: None allowed for IPC-6016 3.3.3.

    10.3 Workmanship (shop floor) N/A

    10.3.1.P Is there a procedure which requires workmanship standards to be in accordance with IPC-6012? YES/NO

    Workmanship (shop floor) COMPLIANCE

    10.3.1.C Is there objective evidence that workmanship standards are in accordance with IPC-6012? YES/NO

    10.3.2.C Does acceptance criteria match the requirements from IPC-6016 Appendix A or Customer requirements? YES/NO

    10.4 Dimensional Requirements N/A

    10.4.1 Hole Pattern Accuracy N/A Is there a procedure for hole pattern accuracy which is specified in accordance with IPC-6012, IPC-6016 Appendix A, and/or the Customer requirement? YES/NO

    Hole Pattern Accuracy COMPLIANCE Is there objective evidence that specified hole pattern accuracy is in accordance with IPC-6012, IPC-6016 Appendix A and/or Customer requirements? YES/NO

    10.4.2 Registration (Internal) N/A If laser ablation is used, is there a procedure for registration that adheres to the registration requirements of IPC-6012? YES/NO/N/A

    Registration (Internal) COMPLIANCE If laser ablation is required, is there objective evidence of registration to the

    requirements of IPC-6012? YES/NO/N/A

    10.4.3 Annular Ring (External) N/A If allowed by customer does the procedure establish the acceptability of annular ring break-out? YES/NO/N/A

    Annular Ring (External) COMPLIANCE If required, is there objective evidence from the customer allowing the acceptability of annular ring break-out? YES/NO/N/A

    10.5 Conductor Definition N/A

    10.5.1 Conductor Width N/A If manual examination is used, is there a procedure that defines the process for visual and dimensional examination of external conductor width that uses 30X magnification minimum?


    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Maybe N/A if AOI is used instead. Is there a procedure for conductor width definition according to IPC-6012 or to Customer requirements? YES/NO

    Conductor Width COMPLIANCE If manual examination is used, is there objective evidence of visual and dimensional

    examination of conductor width that uses 30X magnification minimum? YES/NO/N/A

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: May be N/A if AOI is used instead. Is there objective evidence that the procedure for conductor width definition

    according to IPC-6012 or to Customer specification is being followed? YES/NO

    10.6 Structural Integrity N/A

    10.6.1 Microvia Integrity N/A Is there a procedure that defines control of the reduction of the microvia contact area on the target land, so as not to be lower than specified in IPC- 6016, or as defined by Customer?


    Microvia Integrity COMPLIANCE Is there objective evidence of the control of the reduction of the microvia contact area, so as not to be lower than specified in IPC-6012 or as defined by Customer? YES/NO

    10.6.2 Filled Vias N/A Is there a procedure for the filling of buried vias and/or buried microvias to meet Customer requirements? YES/NO If defined by the Customer, is there a documented procedure which defines acceptable dimple for filled vias? YES/NO/N/A Is there a documented procedure which defines acceptance criteria of voids in filling vias (for buried via holes and laser via holes) according to Customer requirements?YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: If no Customer requirement, default to IPC-6012.

    Filled Vias COMPLIANCE Is there objective evidence that the filling of buried vias and/or buried microvias meets Customer requirements? YES/NO If defined by the Customer, is there objective evidence that the procedure

    which defines acceptable dimple for filled vias is being followed? YES/NO/N/A Is there objective evidence that the procedure which defines acceptance criteria of voids in filling vias (for buried via holes and laser via holes) according to Customer requirements is being followed? YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: If no Customer requirement, default to IPC-6012.
