• 今天是:2025年1月7日 星期二东莞市纵横世纪企业管理咨询有限公司专注于航空航天汽车军工质量培训
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    1.0 SCOPE

    This checklist shall apply to suppliers seeking Transportation and Power Generation accreditation

    who are engaged in the Circuit Card Assemblies (CCA) process in accordance with the requirements of J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610.

    The purpose of this Audit Criteria is to provide a means to verify and document that systems are in place to control the process and that the process procedures are being followed.

    Supplier is expected to maintain a customer-approved Quality System as a prerequisite for this

    Accreditation. As such, Auditors may identify and record non-conformances related to the quality

    system, and the Supplier must address these non-conformances in order to obtain Accreditation.



    PRI Publications: Available from the Performance Review Institute TPG-eAuditNet

    (eAuditNet.com) website.

    SAE Publications: Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086-0001

    AS/EN/JISQ9100Quality Systems Aerospace model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installation and Servicing

    ESD Publications: Available from Electrostatic Discharge Association, 7900 Turin Road,

    Building 3, Suite 2, Rome, NY 13440-2069

    ANSI/ESD S20.20Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices)

    IPC Publications: Available from IPC, 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 309S, Bannockburn, IL


    IPC-T-50:Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

    IPC-A-610:Acceptability of Electronics Assemblies

    IPC 7711/21:Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies

    J-STD-001:Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

    J-STD-020:IPC/JEDEC Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid

    State Surface Mount Devices

    J-STD-033:Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface

    Mount Devices

    EN Publications: Available from BSI, 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL, UK.

    EN61340-5-1:Electrostatics. Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic

    phenomena. General requirements

    EN61340-5-2:Electrostatics. Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic

    phenomena. User guide

    2.1 Instructions for the Auditor

    In completing this assessment, auditors are instructed to respond with a “Yes” or “No” to address

    compliance with each statement of requirement. For any negative responses, the auditor must

    clearly indicate in the Nonconformance Report (NCR) if the “No” reflects noncompliance with respect to existence, adequacy, and/or compliance. Existence relates to evidence of a procedure or policy, adequacy relates to the completeness of the procedure or policy and compliance relates to evidence of effective implementation.

    The auditor must verify the list of procedures provided by the supplier at the time of the audit. Any corrections or updates to the list must be identified using notes inserted at the applicable criterion.

    All negative responses require a Nonconformance Report (NCR) or explanation. Not Applicable

    (N/A) responses do not require an explanation unless otherwise noted.

    The audit results (eAuditNet) shall not include any customer proprietary information or Technical

    information on parts designated "Export Controlled - License Required" (EC-LR). If auditors have

    any questions about this, they should contact the PRI Staff Engineer for directions.
