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  • TGP风能电力特殊工序

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    发表时间:2021-07-09     阅读次数:     字体:【


    8.1 Mechanical Drilling N/A

    8.1.1.P Is there a procedure for mechanical drilling which includes registration compensation? YES/NO

    8.1.2.P Is there a procedure for depth control for mechanical drilling? YES/NO

    Mechanical Drilling COMPLIANCE

    8.1.1.C Is there evidence that the procedure for mechanical drilling which includes registration compensation, is being followed? YES/NO

    8.1.2.C Is there objective evidence that the procedure for depth control for mechanical drilling is being followed? YES/NO

    8.2 Laser Drilling N/A

    8.2.1.P Is there a procedure for the control of the copper aperture diameter and the cleanliness of the capture pad for laser microvias? YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Non destructive control during the process (microscope, laser machine, ...)

    8.2.2.P Is there a procedure which includes registration compensation to ensure minimum requirements? YES/NO

    Laser Drilling COMPLIANCE

    8.2.1.C Is there objective evidence that the control of the copper aperture diameter, and the cleanliness of the capture pad for laser microvias is performed in accordance with the procedure?


    8.2.2.C Is there evidence that the procedure which includes registration compensation is being followed? YES/NO


    9.1.P If required by Customer, is there a procedure to prevent voids in the Via fill inside the microvias? YES/NO/N/A


    9.1.C If required by Customer, is there objective evidence that there are no voids inside the microvias? YES/NO/N/A

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Verification of cross section of microvia acceptance at first piece assessment and / or final validation. This could also consist of a Certificate of Conformity from recognized outside laboratory

    9.2 Oxide Coating / Oxide Replacement Coating N/A

    9.2.1.P If hole filling is performed with prepreg resin, is there a procedure to ensure that oxide coating / replacement coating is done prior to hole filling? YES/NO/N/A

    9.2.2.P If required, is there a procedure to ensure that oxide coating / replacement coating is done after hole filling? YES/NO/N/A

    Oxide Coating / Oxide Replacement Coating COMPLIANCE

    9.2.1.C If hole filling is performed with prepreg resin, is there objective evidence that the procedure to ensure that oxide coating / replacement coating prior to hole filling is being followed? YES/NO/N/A

    9.2.2.C Is there objective evidence that the procedure to ensure that oxide coating / replacement coating after hole filling is being followed? YES/NO

    9.3 Buried Via Hole Filling Process N/A

    9.3.1.P Is there a procedure for the filling of Vias in accordance with IPC-6012 or

    with Customer requirement? YES/NO

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: 25μm max requirement of copper in IPC-6016 not compatible with copper hole filling.

    9.3.2.P If specific resin (other than prepreg) is used for hole filling, is there a procedure for curing according to manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO/N/A

    9.3.3.P If specific resin (other than prepreg) is used for hole filling, is there a procedure for planarization after filling in order to guarantee resin removal and to prevent damage of the copper layer? YES/NO/N/A

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Damage include scratches or excessive copper thickness reduction.

    Buried Via Hole Filling Process COMPLIANCE

    9.3.1.C Is there objective evidence that the procedure for the filling of vias in accordance with IPC-6012 or with Customer requirement is being followed? YES/NO

    9.3.2.C If specific resin (other than prepreg) is used for hole filling, is there objective evidence that the procedure for curing according to manufacturer’s specifications is being followed? YES/NO/N/A

    9.3.3.C If specific resin (other than prepreg) is used for hole filling, is there a procedure for planarization after filling in order to guarantee resin removal and to prevent damage of the copper layer? YES/NO/N/A

    9.4 Blind Via Hole Filling Process N/A

    9.4.1.P Is there a procedure which defines the frequency for the monitoring and maintaining of the filling material chemistry according to manufacturers recommendations? YES/NO

    Blind Via Hole Filling Process COMPLIANCE

    9.4.1.C If filling material is used, is there objective evidence that the procedure which defines the frequency for the monitoring and maintaining of the filling materal chemistry is being followed according to manufacturers recommendations? YES/NO/N/A
