14.1 Selective Strip / Selective Plate Process N/A
14.1.1.P If required, is there a procedure for the control of the selective strip process? YES/NO/NA
14.1.2.P If required, is there a procedure for the control of the selective plate process? YES/NO/N/A
Selective Strip / Selective Plate Process COMPLIANCE
14.1.1.C Is the selective strip being controlled as specified in the procedure? YES/NO/N/A
14.1.2.C Is the selective plate being controlled as specified in the procedure? YESNO/N/A
14.2 Hot Air Solder Leveling (HASL) N/A
14.2.1.P Is there a procedure for HASL? YES/NO
14.2.2.P Is the maximum permitted thermal excursions specified and is there a mechanism for tracking the number of thermal excursions? YES/NO
14.2.3.P Is there a procedure to obtain Customer approval if the maximum number of
Passes through the process specified is exceeded (never to exceed 3 without Customer approval)? YES/NO/N/A
14.2.4.P Is there a procedure for the cleaning process after HASL? YES/NO
Hot Air Solder Leveling (HASL) COMPLIANCE
14.2.1.C Is there objective evidence that solder reservoir testing for copper and other impurities was performed in accordance with IPC-6012? YES/NO
14.2.2.C Is there objective evidence that the monitoring of solder temperature per process lot was in accordance with the procedure? YES/NO
14.2.3.C Is the number of thermal excursions recorded as stated in the procedure? YES/NO
14.2.4.C If the maximum number of thermal excursions is exceeded was Customer approval obtained? YES/NO/N/A
14.2.5.C Is there verification of the angle and pressure of the air knives? YES/NO
14.2.6.C Is cleaning performed after HASL according to the procedure? YES/NO
14.3 Fused Tin Lead N/A
14.3.1.P Is there a procedure for fused tin lead finishing? YES/NO
14.3.2.P Is the maximum permitted reflow cycles specified and is there a mechanism for tracking the number of reflow cycles? YES/NO
14.3.3.P Is there a procedure to obtain Customer approval if the maximum number of reflow cycles specified is exceeded (never to exceed 3 without Customer approval)? YES/NO/N/A
14.3.4.P Is there a cleaning process for removal of flux after fusing? YES/NO
14.3.1.C If required by Customer,is the thickness of the fused tin lead recorded as a quality record? YES/NO/N/A
14.3.2.C If this is a hot oil reflow/fuse process,is there a preheat bath? YES/NO/N/A
14.3.3.C If this is a hot oil reflow/fuse process, is there a separate bath for final fuse? YES/NO/N/A
14.3.4.C Is the number of reflow cycles recorded as stated in the procedure? YES/NO
14.3.5.C Is cleaning performed after fusing according to the procedure? YES/NO
14.3.6.C If the maximum number of thermal excursions is exceeded, was Customer approval obtained? YES/NO/N/A
One of the following two questions (14.3.7.C or 14.3.8.C) shall be be answered, both cannot be marked N/A:
14.3.7.C If hot oil fusing is used, is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature? YES/NO/N/A
14.3.8.C If infrared fusing is used, is the process beng monitored for the infrared energy level?YES/NO/N/A
Audit Note: N/A applies if infrared fusing is not used.
14.3.9.C Is the final finish being evaluated with respect to wetting of the tin-lead coating? YES/NO
14.3.10.C If manual scrubbing is used in the final clean process,is there an inspection to assure that there is no smear between traces? YES/NO/N/A
14.4 Electroless Nickel – Immersion Gold (ENIG) N/A
14.4.1.P Is there a procedure for the ENIG finish? YES/NO
14.4.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
Electroless Nickel - Immersion Gold (ENIG) COMPLIANCE
14.4.1.C Is the thickness of the nickel and gold recorded as a quality record? YES/NO
14.4.2.C Is X-Ray Fluorecence (XRF) being used to measure thickness of nickel and gold? YES/NO
14.4.3.C Is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.4.4.C Is the bath chemistry monitored and controlled per manufacturer’s recommendations?
14.4.5.C If manual scrubbing is used in the final clean process, is there an inspection to assure that there is no smear between traces? YES/NO/N/A
14.5 Immersion Silver N/A
14.5.1.P Is there a procedure for immersion silver finishing? YES/NO
14.5.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
Immersion Silver COMPLIANCE
14.5.1.C If the line is vertical, does the agitation assure solution flow through the holes? YES/NO/
14.5.2.C Is the process to monitor the copper level for maximum copper concentration in accordance with the procedure being followed? YES/NO
14.5.3.C Is XRF being used to measure thickness? YES/NO
14.5.4.C Is the thickness recorded as a quality record? YES/NO
14.5.5.C Is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.5.6.C Is the bath chemistry monitored and controlled per manufacturer’s recommendations? YES/NO
14.5.7.C Is the time (immersion time and / or conveyor speed) in solution monitored and controlled? YES/NO
14.5.8.C If manual scrubbing is used in the final clean process, is there an inspection to assure there is no smear between traces? YES/NO/N/A
14.6 Immersion Tin N/A
14.6.1.P Is there a procedure for immersion tin finishing? YES/NO
14.6.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
Immersion Tin COMPLIANCE
14.6.1.C If the line is vertical, does the agitation assure solution flow through the holes? YES /NO/N/A
14.6.2.C Is the process to monitor the copper level for maximum copper concentration in accordance with the procedure being followed? YES/NO
14.6.3.C Is XRF being used to measure thickness? YES/NO
14.6.4.C Is the thickness recorded and does it meet the minimum thickness specified by the Customer? YES/NO
14.6.5.C Is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature per the manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.6.6.C Is the bath chemistry monitored and controlled per manufacturer’s recommendations? YES/NO
14.6.7.C Is the time in solution monitored and controlled? YES/NO
14.6.8.C If manual scrubbing is used in the final clean process, is there an inspection to assure that there is no smear between traces? YES/NO/N/A
14.7 Electroplated Nickel – Gold N/A
14.7.1.P Is there a procedure for electroplated nickel-gold finishing? YES/NO
14.7.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
Electroplated Nickel-Gold COMPLIANCE
14.7.1.C Is the bath chemistry monitored and controlled per manufacturer’s recommendations? YES/NO
14.7.2.C Is XRF being used to measure thickness? YES/NO
14.7.3.C Is the thickness recorded as a quality record? YES/NO
14.7.4.C Is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.7.5.C Is preventative maintenance performed for cleaning of electrical contact areas?
14.7.6.C If manual scrubbing is used in the final clean process, is there an inspection to assure that there is no smear between traces? YES/NO/N/A
14.8 Electroplated Gold N/A
14.8.1.P Is there a procedure for electroplated gold? YES/NO
14.8.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
Electroplated Gold COMPLIANCE
14.8.1.C Is the thickness recorded as a quality record? YES/NO
14.8.2.C Is preventative maintenance performed for cleaning of electrical contact areas? YES/NO
14.8.3.C Is the bath chemistry monitored and controlled per manufacturer’s recommendations?
14.8.4.C Is XRF being used to measure thickness? YES/NO
14.9 Electroplated Silver N/A
14.9.1.P Is there a procedure for electroplated silver finishing? YES/NO
14.9.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
Electroplated Silver COMPLIANCE
14.9.1.C Does the agitation assure solution flow through the holes? YES/NO
14.9.2.C Is the thickness recorded as a quality record? YES/NO
14.9.3.C Is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.9.4.C Is the bath chemistry monitored and controlled per manufacturer’s recommendations?
14.9.5.C Is preventative maintenance performed for cleaning of electrical contact areas? YES/NO
14.9.6.C If manual scrubbing is used in the final clean process, is there an inspection to assure that there is no smear between traces? YES/NO/N/A
14.9.7.C Is XRF being used to measure thickness? YES/NO
14.10 Electroplated Nickel N/A
14.10.1.P Is there a procedure for electroplated nickel finishing? YES/NO
14.10.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
14.10.3.P If there is a requirement for hardness testing, is there traceability to The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)? YES/NO/N/A
Electroplated Nickel COMPLIANCE
14.10.1.C Does the agitation assure solution flow through the holes? YES/NO
14.10.2.C Is the thickness recorded as a quality record? YES/NO
14.10.3.C Is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.10.4.C Is the bath chemistry monitored and controlled per manufacturer’s recommendations?
14.10.5.C Is preventative maintenance performed for cleaning of electrical contact areas? YES/NO
14.10.6.C If manual scrubbing is used in the final clean process, is there an inspection to assure that there is no smear between traces? YES/NO/N/A
14.10.7.C Is XRF being used to measure thickness? YES/NO
14.11 Electroplated Palladium N/A
14.11.1.P Is there a procedure for electroplated palladium finishing? YES/NO
14.11.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
Electroplated Palladium COMPLIANCE
14.11.1.C Does the agitation assure solution flow through the holes? YES/NO
14.11.2.C Is the thickness recorded as a quality record? YES/NO
14.11.3.C Is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.11.4.C Is the bath chemistry monitored and controlled per manufacturer’s recommendations?
14.11.5.C Is preventative maintenance performed for cleaning of electrical contact areas? YES/NO
14.11.6.C If manual scrubbing is used in the final clean process, is there an inspection to assure that there is no smear between traces? YES/NO/N/A
14.11.7.C Is XRF being used to measure thickness? YES/NO
14.12 Final Plating Rinse N/A
14.12.1.P Is there a procedure for verifying final rinse acceptance requirements? YES/NO
Final Plating Rinse COMPLIANCE
14.12.1.C Is deionized (DI) or reverse osmosis (RO) treated water used for the final finish rinse? YES/NO
14.12.2.C Is there objective evidence that the final rinse acceptance criteria
have been met and are in accordance with the requirements of the procedure? YES/NO
14.13 Organic Solder Preservative (OSP) N/A
14.13.1.P Is there a procedure for the application of an OSP finish? YES/NO
14.13.2.P Is there a procedure establishing that chemical parameters are within the chemistry Suppliers’ recommendations? YES/NO
Organic Solder Preservative (OSP) COMPLIANCE
14.13.1.C Is the bath monitored and controlled to the manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.13.2.C Is the process controlled for thickness and dwell time? YES/NO
14.13.3.C Are there deionized (DI) water rinse steps? YES/NO
14.13.4.C Is the process being monitored and controlled for temperature per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO
14.13.5.C Are gloves used for handling in all operations after OSP application? YES/NO