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    发表时间:2021-06-30     阅读次数:     字体:【


    13.1 Outer Layer Photoprocess N/A

    13.1.1.P Is there a procedure for outer layer photoprocess that defines the temperature and humidity control requirements with stated levels for both? YES/NO

    13.1.2.P Is there a procedure which requires the temperature and humidity levels achieved to be recorded electronically or by chart recorders over time? YES/NO

    13.1.3.P Is there a procedure for control of airborne particulate contamination? YES/NO

    13.1.4.P Is there a procedure to ensure hold-time is consistent with the photo-resist being used? YES/NO

    13.1.5.P Is there a procedure for managing the relationship between light intensity and exposure time? YES/NO

    13.1.6.P Is there a procedure for removing static and contaminants from the surfaces of the tooling and imaging frame? YES/NO

    13.1.7.P Is there a process that ensures the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) prior to use? YES/NO

    13.1.8.P Is there a procedure for removal of the resist for reprint? YES/NO

    Outer Layer Photoprocess COMPLIANCE

    13.1.1.C Are there environmental controls for temperature and humidity? YES/NO

    13.1.2.C Is the hold-time consistent with the photo-resist being used? YES/NO

    13.1.3.C Is the relationship between light intensity and exposure time managed? YES/NO

    13.1.4.C Is there objective evidence that the process used to ensure the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) is being followed? YES/NO

    13.1.5.C Is the process to verify the dimensional accuracy of the photo plotter (a calibrated source, AOI, or equivalent) being followed? YES/NO

    13.1.6.C Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for the temperature and humidity readings? YES/NO

    13.1.7.C Is the control and level of airborne particulate within the area per the requirements within the procedure? YES/NO

    13.1.8.C Is there evidence that the procedure for static and contaminant removal is being followed? YES/NO

    13.1.9.C Is removal of resist performed according to procedure? YES/NO

    13.2 Outer Layer Strip Etch Strip N/A

    13.2.1.P Is there a procedure for controlling the parameters on the stripping of the film? YES/NO

    13.2.2.P Is there a procedure for the etch of copper, which includes control of chemistries?


    13.2.3.P If the etch resist is not used as final finish, is there a procedure for removal of the etch resist? YES/NO/N/A

    Outer Layer Strip Etch Strip COMPLIANCE

    13.2.1.C Is there monitoring of spray nozzles to ensure full coverage or flow? YES/NO

    13.2.2.C Is the process for strip etch strip being monitored and controlled for temperature per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO

    13.2.3.C Is the process for strip etch strip being monitored and controlled for chemistry per manufacturer’s specifications? YES/NO

    13.2.4.C Are conveyor speeds being maintained within the defined limits? YES/NO

    13.3 Outer Layer Inspection N/A

    13.3.1.P Is there a procedure for outer image inspection? YES/NO

    13.3.2.P Is there a sampling plan for outer layer inspection? YES/NO

    13.3.3.P Is there documentation that validates the selection of inspection techniques and equipment? YES/NO

    13.3.4.P If AOI is performed, does a procedure exist? YES/NO/N/A If AOI is performed, is there a procedure requiring that only engineering source files be used to generate the AOI program? YES/NO/N/A

    13.3.5.P Is there a procedure defining a trigger which initiates documented corrective action when process non-conformances are found? YES/NO

    13.3.6.P If circuit repair is performed, is there a procedure for obtaining Customer approval? YES/NO/N/A

    Outer Layer Inspection COMPLIANCE

    13.3.1.C Is there inspection for underetch or overetch throughout the panel area? YES/NO

    13.3.2.C Is the outer layer image validated after etch? YES/NO

    13.3.3.C If (AOI) is used for validation, is only engineering source file data used to generate the program? YES/NO/N/A

    13.3.4.C If non-conformances are identified, is there objective evidence that the procedure for the initiation of corrective action is being followed? YES/NO/N/A

    13.3.5.C Is there objective evidencethat a sampling plan is being followed? YES/NO

    13.3.6.C If circuit repair is performed, was there objective evidence of prior Customer authorization? YES/NO/N/A

    13.4 Laser Direct Imaging (LDI) N/A

    13.4.1.P Is there a procedure for LDI? YES/NO

    Laser Direct Imaging (LDI) COMPLIANCE

    13.4.1.C Is the procedure for LDI being followed? YES/NO

    13.4.2.C Are the programs used for LDI verified from process instructions? YES/NO
