15.1 General
15.1.1.P Is there a procedure for applying soldermask that ensures compliance to specifications?
15.1.1.C If using closed door ovens, is time compensation used if doors have been opened during the cure cycle? YES/NO/N/A
15.1.2.C Does the process for applying soldermask ensure compliance with specifications for location, coverage and registration? YES/NO
15.1.3.C Are there environmental controls for temperature and humidity? YES/NO
15.1.4.C If required by Customer, is the soldermask thickness being measured and recorded per the procedure? YES/NO/N/A
15.2 Liquid Photo Imageable (LPI) Soldermask N/A
15.2.1.P Is there a procedure for the application of a LPI Soldermask? YES/NO
15.2.2.P Is there a procedure that includes a tack time and temperature for the tack cure bake cycle? YES/NO
15.2.3.P Is there a procedure for managing the relationship between light intensity and exposure time? YES/NO
15.2.4.P Is there a procedure for removing static and contaminants from the surfaces of the image machine? YES/NO
15.2.5.P Is there a process that ensures the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) prior to use? YES/NO
Liquid Photo Imageable (LPI) Soldermask COMPLIANCE
15.2.1.C Is there control of the viscosity of soldermask according to manufacturer’s
recommendations? YES/NO
15.2.2.C Is the tack cure bake cycle time and temperature controlled according to procedure? YES/NO
15.2.3.C Is the relationship between light intensity and exposure time managed? YES/NO
15.2.4.C Is there objective evidence that the process used to ensure the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) is being followed? YES/NO
15.2.5.C If spray nozzles are used, is there monitoring to ensure full coverage or flow? YES/NO/N/A
15.2.6.C Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for temperature and humidity readings? YES/NO
15.2.7.C Is there evidence that the procedure for static and contaminant removal is being followed? YES/NO
15.2.8.C Is the work-time/pot-life of the solder mask controlled per manufacturer’s
recommendations? YES/NO
15.3 Dry Film Soldermask N/A
15.3.1.P Is there a procedure for managing the relationship between light intensity and exposure time? YES/NO
15.3.2.P Is there a procedure for removing static and contaminants from the surfaces? YES/NO
15.3.3.P Is there a process that ensures the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) prior to use? YES/NO
Dry Film Soldermask COMPLIANCE
15.3.1.C Is the relationship between light intensity and exposure time managed? YES/NO
15.3.2.C Is there objective evidence that the process used to ensure the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) is being followed? YES/NO
15.3.3.C Is the process to verify the dimensional accuracy of the photo plotter (a calibrated source, AOI, or equivalent) being followed? YES/NO
15.3.4.C Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for the temperature and humidity readings? YES/NO
15.3.5.C Is there evidence that the procedure for static and contaminant removal is being followed? YES/NO
15.4 Soldermask Develop and Cure N/A
15.4.1.P Is there a procedure for soldermask develop and cure? YES/NO
15.4.2.P Is there a procedure that defines the method of product handling which minimizes risks associated with handling damage? YES/NO
Soldermask Develop and Cure COMPLIANCE
15.4.1.C Are the defined handling methods being performed per the procedure? YES/NO
15.4.2.C Are the set points identified through the develop-and-cure process? YES/NO
15.4.3.C Are the ovens used for curing soldermask not used for curing other product, except for legend and marking, at the same time? YES/NO
16.1.P Is there a procedure for the legend and marking to ensure compliance with Customer requirements? YES/NO
16.2.P If two-part resin systems are used, is there a procedure for mixing? YES/NO/N/A
16.3.P Is there a procedure for curing legend and marking? YES/NO
16.1.C Is there objective evidence that the procedure to establish Customer compliance is being followed? YES/NO
16.2.C If required by Customer, is adhesion testing being performed and the results recorded as a quality record? YES/NO/N/A
16.3.C If two-part resin systems are used, are there mixing containers for resins systems that do not allow absorption? YES/NO/N/A
16.4.C If not covered by mixing, is induction time observed/monitored for resins before use per manufacturer’s specifications/recommendations? YES/NO/N/A
16.5.C Are the ovens that are used for legend cure cycles not used for products, other than soldermask, at the same time? YES/NO
16.6.C Is there inspection for legibility of the image? YES/NO
16.7.C Is the procedure for curing legend and marking being followed? YES/NO
16.8.C Is the work-time/pot-life of the materials controlled per manufacturer’s
recommendations? YES/NO
17.1.P Is there a procedure that defines the final cleanliness acceptance criteria? YES/NO
17.2.P Is there a procedure that defines the cleaning and drying process? YES/NO
17.2.1.P Does the procedure require handling with gloves after cleaning? YES/NO
17.3.P Is there a procedure that defines the frequency of cleanliness testing? YES/NO
17.1.C Is the procedure that defines the cleaning and drying process being followed? YES/NO
17.2.C Is the process monitored for PB cleanliness per the procedure? YES/NO
17.3.C Is the product handled with gloves following cleaning? YES/NO