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    发表时间:2021-07-01     阅读次数:     字体:【


    15.1 General

    15.1.1.P Is there a procedure for applying soldermask that ensures compliance to specifications?


    General COMPLIANCE

    15.1.1.C If using closed door ovens, is time compensation used if doors have been opened during the cure cycle? YES/NO/N/A

    15.1.2.C Does the process for applying soldermask ensure compliance with specifications for location, coverage and registration? YES/NO

    15.1.3.C Are there environmental controls for temperature and humidity? YES/NO

    15.1.4.C If required by Customer, is the soldermask thickness being measured and recorded per the procedure? YES/NO/N/A

    15.2 Liquid Photo Imageable (LPI) Soldermask N/A

    15.2.1.P Is there a procedure for the application of a LPI Soldermask? YES/NO

    15.2.2.P Is there a procedure that includes a tack time and temperature for the tack cure bake cycle? YES/NO

    15.2.3.P Is there a procedure for managing the relationship between light intensity and exposure time? YES/NO

    15.2.4.P Is there a procedure for removing static and contaminants from the surfaces of the image machine? YES/NO

    15.2.5.P Is there a process that ensures the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) prior to use? YES/NO

    Liquid Photo Imageable (LPI) Soldermask COMPLIANCE

    15.2.1.C Is there control of the viscosity of soldermask according to manufacturer’s

    recommendations? YES/NO

    15.2.2.C Is the tack cure bake cycle time and temperature controlled according to procedure? YES/NO

    15.2.3.C Is the relationship between light intensity and exposure time managed? YES/NO

    15.2.4.C Is there objective evidence that the process used to ensure the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) is being followed? YES/NO

    15.2.5.C If spray nozzles are used, is there monitoring to ensure full coverage or flow? YES/NO/N/A

    15.2.6.C Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for temperature and humidity readings? YES/NO

    15.2.7.C Is there evidence that the procedure for static and contaminant removal is being followed? YES/NO

    15.2.8.C Is the work-time/pot-life of the solder mask controlled per manufacturer’s

    recommendations? YES/NO

    15.3 Dry Film Soldermask N/A

    15.3.1.P Is there a procedure for managing the relationship between light intensity and exposure time? YES/NO

    15.3.2.P Is there a procedure for removing static and contaminants from the surfaces? YES/NO

    15.3.3.P Is there a process that ensures the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) prior to use? YES/NO

    Dry Film Soldermask COMPLIANCE

    15.3.1.C Is the relationship between light intensity and exposure time managed? YES/NO

    15.3.2.C Is there objective evidence that the process used to ensure the integrity of the production photo tool (artwork) is being followed? YES/NO

    15.3.3.C Is the process to verify the dimensional accuracy of the photo plotter (a calibrated source, AOI, or equivalent) being followed? YES/NO

    15.3.4.C Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for the temperature and humidity readings? YES/NO

    15.3.5.C Is there evidence that the procedure for static and contaminant removal is being followed? YES/NO

    15.4 Soldermask Develop and Cure N/A

    15.4.1.P Is there a procedure for soldermask develop and cure? YES/NO

    15.4.2.P Is there a procedure that defines the method of product handling which minimizes risks associated with handling damage? YES/NO

    Soldermask Develop and Cure COMPLIANCE

    15.4.1.C Are the defined handling methods being performed per the procedure? YES/NO

    15.4.2.C Are the set points identified through the develop-and-cure process? YES/NO

    15.4.3.C Are the ovens used for curing soldermask not used for curing other product, except for legend and marking, at the same time? YES/NO


    16.1.P Is there a procedure for the legend and marking to ensure compliance with Customer requirements? YES/NO

    16.2.P If two-part resin systems are used, is there a procedure for mixing? YES/NO/N/A

    16.3.P Is there a procedure for curing legend and marking? YES/NO


    16.1.C Is there objective evidence that the procedure to establish Customer compliance is being followed? YES/NO

    16.2.C If required by Customer, is adhesion testing being performed and the results recorded as a quality record? YES/NO/N/A

    16.3.C If two-part resin systems are used, are there mixing containers for resins systems that do not allow absorption? YES/NO/N/A

    16.4.C If not covered by mixing, is induction time observed/monitored for resins before use per manufacturer’s specifications/recommendations? YES/NO/N/A

    16.5.C Are the ovens that are used for legend cure cycles not used for products, other than soldermask, at the same time? YES/NO

    16.6.C Is there inspection for legibility of the image? YES/NO

    16.7.C Is the procedure for curing legend and marking being followed? YES/NO

    16.8.C Is the work-time/pot-life of the materials controlled per manufacturer’s

    recommendations? YES/NO


    17.1.P Is there a procedure that defines the final cleanliness acceptance criteria? YES/NO

    17.2.P Is there a procedure that defines the cleaning and drying process? YES/NO

    17.2.1.P Does the procedure require handling with gloves after cleaning? YES/NO

    17.3.P Is there a procedure that defines the frequency of cleanliness testing? YES/NO


    17.1.C Is the procedure that defines the cleaning and drying process being followed? YES/NO

    17.2.C Is the process monitored for PB cleanliness per the procedure? YES/NO

    17.3.C Is the product handled with gloves following cleaning? YES/NO
