• 今天是:2025年1月5日 星期日东莞市纵横世纪企业管理咨询有限公司专注于航空航天汽车军工质量培训
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  • TGP风能电力特殊工序

    您当前所在的位置:首页 > 特殊工序 > TGP风能电力特殊工序

    发表时间:2021-06-23     阅读次数:     字体:【


    9.1 Is the drag mold leveled? YES/NO/NA

    9.2 Is the drag mold free of debris? YES/NO

    9.3 Does the documented Core/Mold Assembly procedure describe the methods of mold/core assembly including the positive core and mold locators, core positioning, chill locations, gauging, filters, etc? YES/NO

    9.4 Are all vents open in the cope mold? YES/NO

    9.5 Are the molds securely clamped, bolted or chained together? YES/NO

    9.6 Are downsprues, vents and risers covered to protect from debris entering the mold before pouring? YES/NO

    9.7 Does the supplier assure that molds are dry prior to use?YES/NO

    9.8 Crush? YES/ NO

    9.9 Core Set? YES/NO

    10. MELTING

    10.1 Are there documented charge formulas identifying specific amounts of each component for various metal grades/types? YES /NO

    10.2 Are all of the charge materials clearly identified and segregated to avoid improper use? YES/NO

    10.3 Are the charge materials stored in areas adequate to prevent oxidation, contamination, moisture, oil, etc? YES/NO

    10.4 Is each component weighed before charging? YES/NO

    10.5 Are the scales calibrated? YES/NO

    10.6 Are alloys in the melt area clearly identified to avoid incorrect additions? YES/NO

    10.7 Are the types and amount of alloy additions documented in the charge formulas? YES/NO

    10.8 Are the alloys weighed using a calibrated scale? YES/NO

    10.9 Is the metal temperature checked and recorded at frequencies adequate to assure conformance? YES/NO

    10.10 Is the Temperature measurement system calibrated? YES/NO

    10.11 Are chemistries checked and recorded at frequencies adequate to assure conformance? YES/NO

    10.12 Does the supplier have an internal procedure for spectrometers equipments calibration and this procedure is in concordance to National Institute of Standard and Technology – NIST, or other equivalent national certification agency? YES/NO

    10.13 Is there objective evidence for periodic spectrometers calibration against the Standard Test Blocks? YES/NO

    10.14 Is there objective evidence for daily spectrometers calibration? YES/NO

    10.15 Is the acceptance criteria documented for temperatures and chemistries? YES/NO

    10.16 Is the correct tap out temperature achieved for the material being poured? YES/NO

    10.17 Is there a documented action/reaction plan with “stop points” to follow when an out of spec condition is found? YES/NO
