• 今天是:2025年3月7日 星期五东莞市纵横世纪企业管理咨询有限公司专注于航空航天汽车军工质量培训
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  • TGP风能电力特殊工序

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    发表时间:2021-06-12     阅读次数:     字体:【


    7.1Are purchased cores visually inspected prior to use? YES/NO

    7.2 Is the acceptance criteria documented for all core critical characteristics? YES/NO

    7.3 Is there a documented action/reaction plan with “stop points” to follow when an out of spec condition is found? YES/NO

    8. MOLDING

    8.1 Is the pattern inspected before and after use, with regard to the following:

    Auditor Handbook: There should not be any sand build up on pattern and the pattern should be coated with release agent.

    8.1.1 Cleanliness/Sand Buildup? YES/NO

    8.1.2 Damage? YES/NO

    8.1.3 Vents? YES/NO

    8.1.4 Pins/Bushings? YES/NO

    8.1.5 Heat/Date code – location/legibility? YES/NO

    8.2 Are the following molding procedures/parameters documented:

    8.2.1 Squeeze Pressure? YES/NO/NA

    8.2.2 Squeeze Time? YES/NO/NA

    8.2.3 Binder Flow YES/NO/NA

    8.2.4 Catalyst Flow YES/NO/NA

    8.2.5 Dry Sand Flow to Match Mixer Output YES/NO

    8.2.6 Scratch Test? YES/NO

    8.3 Do all release agents used for mold making have a specification defining the composition or a vendor identification number or brand name? YES/NO

    8.4 Are Cope and Drag molds coated by:

    8.4.1 Spray?

    8.4.2 Brush?

    8.5 Is there a procedure documenting mold wash (coating) requirements? YES/NO

    8.6 Is the wash monitored for Baume/Vicosity? YES/NO

    Auditor Handbook: Verify same tests are being performed on weekends.

    8.7 Is there a procedure for visual inspection of the molds, with regard to the following:

    8.7.1 Sand Breakage of Cast Features? YES/NO

    8.8 Is there a procedure for in-mold additions? YES/NO/NA

    8.9 Is there a procedure for chill addition; type; location? YES/NO/NA

    8.10 Are chills inspected for rust/moisture? YES/NO/NA

    8.11 Is the acceptance criteria documented for all molding critical characteristics? YES/NO
