Auditor Handbook: For ductile Iron Only.
11.1 Manual? YES/NO
11.2 Wire Feed? YES/NO
11.3 Are the alloys weighed/is the scale calibrated? YES/NO
12.1 Is the proper metal grade verified? YES/NO
12.2 Is the metal chemistry checked and documented prior to pouring? YES/NO
Auditor Handbook: Verify same tests are being performed on weekends.
12.3 Has the pouring ladle been pre-heated? YES/NO
12.3.1 Is the refractory dry? YES/NO
12.4 Is slag removed from the pouring ladle prior to pouring? YES/NO
12.5 Is the iron in the pouring ladle weighed? YES/NO/NA
Auditor Handbook: Only applicable if ladel additions are made.
12.5.1 Do procedures or work instructions specify the minimum amount of metal required to remain in the ladle at the end of pouring? YES/NO
Auditor Handbook: Minimum amount of metal could be specified as a weight, height of remaining material or percentage of ladle height. Has the supplier complied with the end of pour requirements? YES/NO
12.5.2 Do procedures or work instructions specify the maximum number of molds that can be poured from one Ladle? YES/NO Has the supplier complied with the maximum number of molds being poured from one ladle? YES/NO
12.6 Is the pouring temperature checked and recorded? YES/NO
Auditor Handbook: Check temperature of first mold poured, suppllier needs to demonstrait how they determined how many molds can be poured before minimum pour temperature is reached.
12.7 Is the method used to determine the metal temperature controlled and cannot be changed without correlation performed by the foundry and the purchaser approval? YES/NO
12.8 Is % nodularity testing performed in accordance with a documented procedure? YES/NO
12.9 Is the maximum ladle pouring time identified to prevent alloy fade? YES/NO/NA
Auditor Handbook: Alloy fade is not applicable for steel or gray iron
12.10 Is the mold pouring time measured and documented? YES/NO
Auditor Handbook: Checking one molds pour time is acceptable as long a pour time is recorded.
12.11 Is the pouring height verified? YES/NO
12.12 Is the cooling time/mold speed identified and verified? YES/NO
12.13 Is there a system to prevent pouring past the maximum time? YES/NO
12.14 Is the acceptance criteria documented for all pouring critical characteristics? YES/NO
Auditor Handbook: Time and Temperature are the critical characteristics.
12.15 Is there a documented action/reaction plan with”stop points” to follow when an out of spec condition is found? YES/NO
Auditor Handbook: Verify that the out of spec condition is documented and casting is tagged for review.
12.16 Is in-mold stress relief used? YES/NO/NA
12.17 If in-mold stress-relief is used, is temperature for shakeout measured via thermocouple or other method as required by customer? YES/NO/NA
If applicable, what method is used? _______________
12.18 If in-mold stress-relief is used, is temperature of the casting during shakeout within specifications required by customer (or less than 600°F/315°C if not explicitly specified in customer requirements)? YES/NO/NA
12.19 If the castings are removed from the mold at a temperature above the specified max temperature, is there a system that assures that the castings are segregated and sent to be stress relieved? YES/NO/NA