• 今天是:2025年1月5日 星期日东莞市纵横世纪企业管理咨询有限公司专注于航空航天汽车军工质量培训
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  • TGP风能电力特殊工序

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    发表时间:2021-06-24     阅读次数:     字体:【


    16.1 Are there job instructions for each part documenting all grinding requirements? YES/NO

    16.2 Are job instructions available in the work area? Are they being used? YES/NO

    16.3 Are machining locators identified to prevent grinding on location points? YES/NO

    16.4 Is the inspection criteria identifed? YES/NO

    16.5 Is the casting joint line removed? YES/NO

    16.6 Are there documented inspection procedure for:

    16.6.1 Visual inspection? YES/NO

    16.6.2 Magnetic Particle Inspection? YES/NO/NA

    16.6.3 Ultrasonic inspection? YES/NO/NA

    16.6.4 Soundness (x-Ray/Sectioning)? YES/NO/NA

    16.6.5 Hardness testing? YES/NO/NA

    16.7 Welding Approval

    16.7.1 Are there documented customer approved weld repair procedures? YES/NO

    16.7.2 Is the supplier following the pre-heat and inspection requirements? YES/NO

    16.7.3 Is the correct weld wire being used? YES/NO

    16.7.4 Are the welders certified to AWS or in – country equivalent? YES/NO

    16.7.5 Are training records up to date for personnel performing weld operations? YES/NO

    16.7.6 Are welders following the approved written procedures for method and settings? YES/NO

    Auditor Handbook: MIG Stick wire feed and amperage as examples.

    16.7.7 Is NDT inspection used to verify weld quality when required by customer? YES/NO

    16.7.8 Does the supplier utilize defect mapping to correct process? YES/NO If YES, is mapping kept as part of manufacturing records? YES/NO

    16.8 Are gauges required to verify critical dimensions? YES/NO

    16.9 Are there documented gauging procedures? YES/NO

    16.10 Are the gauges calibrated? YES/NO

    16.11 Are the test specimens for chemical, physical and metallographic inspection machined from the test bars/keel blocks in accordance with a documented procedure & drawing, specification or purchase order requirements? YES/NO

    16.12 Is test specimen traceability maintained? YES/NO

    16.13 Are chemical requirements documented and verified? YES/NO

    16.14 Are microstructure requirements identified and verified? YES/NO/NA

    16.15 Are mechanical property requirements identifed and verified? YES/NO/NA

    16.16 Are hardness requirements identified and verified? YES/NO/NA

    16.17 Is the surface defect allowance identified and verified? YES/NO

    16.18 Are the test material test reports completed and traceable? YES/NO

    16.19 Do the test results meet applicable requirements? YES/NO

    16.20 Are the castings dimensionally inspected prior to any machining? YES/NO

    Auditor Handbook: Some critical dimensions on casting should be checked prior to machining to monitor pattern wear and verify adequate material for machining.

    16.21 Are all parts that do not meet the established acceptance criteria identified as non-conforming? YES/NO

    16.22 Are all non-conforming parts documented, and segregated in a limted access hold area? YES/NO


    17.1 Are there documented procedure for packaging per customer requirements? YES/NO

    17.2 Is packaging suitable to prevent handling damage? YES/NO

    17.3 Is rust prevention considered when shipped parts? YES/NO

    17.4 Is the rust preventative used approved by the customer? YES/NO

    17.5 Are all castings properly labeled in accordnace with customer requirements? YES/NO

    17.6 Is customer-supplied packaging used? YES/NO

    17.7 Are the castings properly handled in order to prevent damage? YES/NO

    18. DOCK AUDIT

    18.1 Are outgoing audits performed according to documented procedures? YES/NO

    18.2 Is the sampling plan adequate to detect potential non-conforming product? YES/NO

    18.3 Are audit results documented and available for review pending customer’s request? YES/NO

    19. SHIPPING

    19.1 Is there a list of “ship to” addresses for each part number? YES/NO

    19.2 Is there a signoff procedure to approve shipping by authorized personnel? YES/NO

    19.3 Is the required documentation shipped with the castings? YES/NO
