5.1 Is there a procedure for the selection and control of laminate material per Customer requirement? YES/NO
6.1 Is there a procedure for the control of cover layer material per Customer requirement? YES/NO
6.2 Is there a procedure for the control of cover film material per Customer requirement? YES/NO
6.3 Is there a procedure for the control of cover coat material per Customer requirement? YES/NO
6.4 If used, is there a documented procedure for LPI cover coat for imaging? YES/NO/N/A
6.5 If bonding materials, stiffeners or external heat sinks are used, is there a procedure for control per Customer requirement? YES/NO/N/A
6.6 If used, is there a procedure for the control of photo imageable dielectrics per Customer requirement? YES/NO/N/A
6.7 Is there a procedure for the metal coatings as identified by IPC-6013, Par. YES/NO
6.8 If used, is there a procedure for use of insulating hole fill material? YES/NO/N/A
6.9 If used, is there a procedure for the use of bonded heat sinks on the flexible circuit? YES/NO/N/A
6.10 Is there a procedure for edge definition of the flex printed board? YES/NO
6.11 Is there a documented procedure that defines the reject criteria for delamination and blistering per Customer requirements? YES/NO
6.12 If required, is there a documented procedure that defines the cover film requirements as specified in IPC-6013? YES/NO/N/A
6.13 If required, is there a documented procedure for cover coat requirements as specified in IPC-6013? YES/NO/N/A
6.14 If required, is there a documented procedure to address the application of stiffeners?
7.1 If required, is there a procedure for flexible endurance testing per Customer requirement? YES/NO/N/A
7.2 If required, is there a procedure for bond adhesion testing per customer requirement? YES/NO/N/A
7.3 Is there a documented procedure which defines the plated-through hole integrity requirements? YES/NO/N/A
8.1 If required by Customer, is there a procedure for moisture and insulation resistance testing? YES/NO/N/A
8.2 Is there a procedure for dielectric withstanding voltage? YES/NO
9.1 If there is a Customer requirement, is there a procedure for outgassing testing? YES/NO/N/A
9.2 If there is a requirement to constrain the thermal expansion in the planar directions, is testing for the CTE performed by the strain gauge method unless otherwise specified by the Customer?
9.3 If tacking is performed, is there a procedure for Tacking of B-stage or cover layer to the base laminate? YES/NO/N/A
9.4 Are there process controls to minimize flexure of the material during the plating process? YES/NO
10.1 Is there a procedure which defines packaging methods to minimize flexure and prevent damage during shipping? YES/NO
11.1 If used, is there a procedure for Water jet including control of programs? YES/NO/N/A
11.2 If used, is there a procedure for Laser including control of programs? YES/NO/N/A
11.3 If used, is there a procedure for Steel rule dies or dedicated die fixtures? YES/NO/N/A
11.4 Is there a procedure for fixturing to allow for measurement during final inspection? YES/NO
12.1 Are there quality records for the parameters of the product (e.g. length, width, thickness, final finish, hole sizes, hole quantities where appropriate, part number, lot number, serial number, panel position, date code, etc.)? YES/NO
12.2 Is there objective evidence of test results (Acceptance Testing and Frequency Matrix, Table 4-3 of IPC-6013)? YES/NO
12.3 Is minimum bend radius test done? YES/NO
12.4 If bond adhesion testing is required, is there objective evidence it is performed to meet customer requirements? YES/NO/N/A