4.1.P If this is a reaccreditation audit, has the Supplier informed PRI of any changes of ownership, location, key personnel, or quality system? YES/NO/N/A
4.2.PIs there a procedure for performing preventative maintenance activity on fabrication, test and all relevant manufacturing site facilities which includes maintenance, timing, duration, coverage, and any approved Suppliers providing maintenance?YES/NO
4.3.P Is there a procedure for a configuration management system which address control of electronic data transfer? YES/NO
4.1.C Are process procedures at latest revision and available at point of use? YES/NO
4.2.C Are Customer-supplied documents on site and at latest revision? YES/NO
4.3.C Were the schedules, list of personnel, list of trained personnel, list of Customers, statistical techniques program, and organization chart all on site and accessible to the Auditor? YES/NO
4.4.C If the ability exists to have writing/change access to the operational downloaded programs, is there a control to prevent errors? YES/NO/N/A
4.5.C Is there objective evidence that the preventative maintenance procedure is being followed? YES/NO
4.6.C Is all electronic data under configuration management in accordance with the procedure?
5.1.P Does a procedure exist to monitor internal non-conformances and to initiate documented root cause analysis and corrective action? YES/NO
5.2.P Is there a procedure that controls the translation of the Part Number definition into shop floor instructions / programs, including the translation of Customer Part Number to shop floor Part Number? YES/NO
5.1.C Is the procedure for monitoring internal non-conformances and to initiate documented root cause analysis and corrective action being followed? YES/NO
5.2.C If Key Process Characteristics have been created/identified, is there objective evidence of their implementation and that they are being followed? YES/NO/N/A
5.3.C Is the procedure for introduction of new product including manufacturing and testing capabilities to meet all Customer requirements being followed? YES/NO
5.4.C If requested by Customer, is the procedure that controls and ensures that foreach new product introduction an assembly and test risk analysis is performed to identify risk mitigation actions being followed? YES/NO/N/A
5.5.C Are the procedures for qualification of new materials, processes and equipment, including changes after first qualification, being followed? YES/NO
5.6.C Is the procedure that controls the translation of the Part Number definition into shop floor instructions/programs, including the translation of Customer Part Number to shop floor Part Number, being followed? YES/NO